Thoughts on Man on the Moon 3 & Music to be Murdered by Side B

Originally, I wanted to do individual reviews for both these projects, but with Christmas, New Years and then being a bit ill, I just didn't have time to get round to writing anything. But I have been listening to both these projects quite a lot over the last few weeks so did want to say how I felt about them.

Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon 3

man on the moon 3 art work

Since discovering the original Man on the Moon a couple of years ago, Cudi has been one of my favourite artists in hip hop. His soothing voice and his creative stylistic choices give his beats a really colourful, calm aesthetic, and make listening to his music a very nice experience.

This album definitely lived up to the first Man on the Moon project. His voice and rap style have become slightly grittier, but his ability with melody is still as strong as ever. I often see comparisons to Travis Scott, and this isn't a surprise. Cudi is a leader in the now popular style of psychedelic and "spacey" hip hop (just look at the art work). This is a formula Travis Scott has been perfecting over the last few years. This album does however prove Cudi is still the king of it.

It's not all just for show though, and certainly isn't as pretentious as it sounds. Behind it all is a man with raw talent, singing his ass-off and leaving himself vulnerable as he discusses his mental health issues, his upbringing and more. Cudi is strong now and in a good place. This lane in my opinion is one of the most accessible in hip hop, for example, if none hip hop fans wanted to try listen to some. The help that Cudi can offer people is important. The honesty in his music is the reason why his music is close to so many people's hearts. I said this in my review about Man on the Moon 1, and it stands true now with this one.

Man on the Moon 3 is modern, fresh, the music is full and layered, cinematic, personal and authentic, and Cudi's performances are all genuine and delivered with quality.

Star Track - Tequila Shots

Eminem - Music to be Murdered by Side B

music to be murdered by side b art work

Firstly, I definitely think side B lives up to the caliber of side A. Many issues with side B however, are the same issues that we had in side A. These issues being bad bars. I'm not going to go into any specifically but there was a lot of examples of wordplay which just takes you out of the song or is just purely a bad pun that just makes you sigh.

Some of his wordplay was good however. One thing I would like to say is, the strong parts of side A were the same strong aspects on side B. Them being amazing flows and rhyme schemes being extended over long periods of time and being multi-multi-multi syllable rhymes. Once again, Eminem is the best at rapping, he just doesn't have the best actual lyrics. He's no longer great at wordplay like he used to be on say, The Marshall Mathers LP 2.

Side B in my opinion is harder than side A. The hooks were much better on side B in my opinion. Hooks, flows, rhyme schemes all made this project enjoyable. However, I think the crux of why this side is better than the original is because of something I actually asked for in the original review of Music to be Murdered by I did (he must've read it). I asked him to move past his "pissed off stage", that being the stage spawning from the Revival hate. And on this he appears to have. There's a couple of references to "haters" and the industry, but even then it actually comes off a bit wittier and funner than it did on side A. Em sounds like he is just having fun on this project, and that makes the listening experience fun as well. Despite his wordplay not always being funny, Em is the wittiest rapper I've ever heard, and it is one of the reasons why I love listening to his music. In an interview for this project he even said he was just having fun making this project. This can be seen on tracks like Alfred's Theme, Tone Dead, Gnat, Discombobulated and She Loves Me.

Book of Rhymes and Zeus are just ridiculously hard songs. Em's flow is filthy on these tracks. The instrumentals on this project seemed harder than the original as well, or at-least on a similar pedestal. Modern, trappy, bass heavy cuts filled this project. The standout moments were certainly the beat-switches though. Jheez, the one on Gnat is amazing and the way the trumpets come in sensual, all meanwhile Em is flowing with this consistent, multi-syllable rhyme scheme, it just blends into a beautiful moment, haha what a win for hip hop that moment was.

Discombobulated is yet again proof that Eminem should make Relapse 2, I think he wants to as well. From Framed to Discombobulated, Em has definitely been hinting at it. The songs that are similar to Relapse are always near enough the hardest tracks on the album, it is what he's best at - just make it Em (even if it's just an EP)!

Star Track - Discombobulated

"I get cancelled like once a day, why would I leave, it's more fun to stay"

(I also bought the physical copy along with Relapse: Refill, see below - I'm pretty gassed about these)

music to be murdered by side b & relapse refill physical copy
New physical copy of MTBMB Side B and Relapse: Refill
